Monday, May 16, 2011

Ms. Second Place - Unfinished

You came to me looking fine as wine,
walked up to my chair,
and said you wanted to dine.
Sit right down Mr.
The Beginning.

Our conversation was great;
You were on the right track.
I liked the fact that you were respectful
while still going smack.
10 Points.

But then you said those magic words...
I'm married.
And you explained how your feelings for her varied.
The kick.

Ms. Second Place
That's who you want me to be.
You thought I could fulfill your fantasy.

You got up from the table,
and the next man came.
Gave him the benefit of the doubt
Not all men are the same.
Let's start.

Mr. Long Hair
You, too, were attractive. You had all the smooth words;
Fancy clothes, fancy car,
and ya money came in herds.

You sweet talked me
and told me you were single
You said you were interested,
so we started to mingle.
The Lie.

4 weeks later you came clean,
told me about ya girl.......

I now have writer's block lol...I don't think I'll ever finish this piece smh